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Burger King Lists The Whopper's Ingredients Right On The Wrapper, Highlighting The Lack Of Artificial Preservatives

by Bill McCool on 09/17/2020 | 2 Minute Read

Burger King loves to show McDonald’s up, and they’ve made it a priority in 2020, even though it does look like the King and Ronald might have made up in recent weeks.

We’ve all heard those horror stories about folks keeping McDonald's cheeseburgers locked away in their closet for over 20 years, only to check in on them now and again, and they look just as fresh as the day they purchased them in the year 2000. That inspired Burger King to play up the fact that they've removed artificial preservatives in the now infamous ad of a moldy whopper that decomposes throughout a 34-day time-lapse video.

Editorial photograph

Well, no longer content to show off their hairy, blue-greenish burgers, they’ve extended that lack of preservatives to the actual packaging. Now, when you purchase a whopper at Burger King, they’ve listed all of the ingredients right on the wrapper. Just 100% beef of the flame-grilled variety, tomatoes, lettuce, mayonnaise (aka the arsenic of millennial condiments), ketchup, pickles, onions, and a sesame seed bun, though, we’re pretty sure there are some ingredients in the bread they need to break down. The wrapper also features colorful, unadorned illustrations of their ingredients, signifying the simplicity of the humble but mighty Whopper.

Additionally, they also highlight the lack of added colors and flavors, as well as high-fructose corn syrup and MSG, which, I don't know, give me a fucking break. Ease off the monosodium glutamate—that’s UMAMI, you cowards. 

Burger King now claims that 85% of their menu is free of artificial preservatives, and they plan to be at 100% by the beginning of 2021.

Editorial photograph