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How The Alternative Facts Game was Created in Less than a Week


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After Kellyanne Conway explained that Sean Spicer was merely stating “alternative facts” about Trump’s inauguration, it was only a matter of time before it got turned into memes, songs, and yes, even a card game. We spoke with Augustus Cook, the designer and one of the team members who helped create The Alternative Facts Game—in less than one. whole. week.

Augustus Cook: The design process was, embarrassingly ad hoc. More “WORK. QUICK. NOW!” Vs. “First we’re going to look at territories…”

In this case there was no brief, rather a group of friends joking amongst themselves about the ridiculous the concept of “Alternative Facts”. The identity was sketched and “crafted” on Monday, we secured a printer on Tuesday, sourced and wrote all the facts by Thursday, sent the card designs off to the printer on Friday, and finalized the website on Saturday… which of course is by no means ideal, but given the time restrictions we’re all proud of the result.

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