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Taylor Pass Honey Co.


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There are many Honey Brands out there in the market but none as bold and striking as this one. Designed by Unified Brands, honey from the wonderful country of New Zealand is cultivated and stored in plastic jars for all your culinary pleasures. Each are color-coded according to which eco-system the honey was collected in. This not only helps consumers remember their favorite type but helps the brand stand out on the shelves. 

“Taylor Pass lies at the heart of one of the most untouched and breathtaking places on earth. This rugged, remote terrain surrounded by ocean, that no insect can fly across, is the place we’re proud to call home: The South Island of New Zealand.”

“It is here that you will find our hives – nestled amongst mountains and valleys where bees work the unique flora to produce honey with the signature flavours and properties of this land. No two of our hives are the same. They are delicate, individual eco-systems. To ensure they thrive, our hives require the care, passion and artistry of our beekeepers.”

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