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This placeholder is removed when the ad slot is configured.

This placeholder is removed when the ad slot is configured.

This placeholder is removed when the ad slot is configured.

This placeholder is removed when the ad slot is configured.

This placeholder is removed when the ad slot is configured.

Student: Ollie Amiko Cats Food


Ollie Amiko Cats Food is an academic exploration into pet packaging from student Joshua White. 

“An academic exploration into pet product packaging: a proposed Target Brand to fill a curious vacancy. Presented and packaged in a way that rewards exploration of the container, Ollie Amiko offers simple ingredients, well: as it should be.

Of course, within various departments, Target Brands offers two selections: base-level and boutique-minded. Consider Market Pantry and Archer Farms. Within the pet market, no such product is offered to complement the budget-aware line of Boots & Barkley.

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This placeholder is removed when the ad slot is configured.

This placeholder is removed when the ad slot is configured.

This placeholder is removed when the ad slot is configured.

This placeholder is removed when the ad slot is configured.

This placeholder is removed when the ad slot is configured.

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