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Shiner’s Tall Tails Hard Seltzer Cans Designed By Bakery Are Intricate And Vibrant


We’ve all come accustomed to seeing hard seltzers, well, everywhere we turn. They took the spirits industry by storm, and as much as I thought they were a trend, it doesn’t look like the sparkling beverages are going anywhere any time soon.

In an effort to help diversify a market that’s overcrowded by the same tasting beverage in different packaging, Shiner’s Tall Tails Hard Seltzer cans are not only packaged vastly different than its competitors, but they also come in never seen before flavors such as Mexican Martini.

The design agency behind the vibrantly hued and intricately illustrated cans is the Austin, Texas-based agency Bakery. While it seems like most seltzer brands stick to white packaging and minimal illustrations, Shiner’s Tall Tails have taken the opposite route, and it’s working beautifully for them. In fact, the cans are so intricately detailed that just the act of holding one will put you in a festive mood, unquestionably.

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