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Celebrate Easter With Meio a Meio


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Easter is one of the biggest holidays celebrated in Spring. This holiday usually entails giving out baskets full of treats, which can usually include something bunny or egg shaped. Meio a Meio is an easter egg confection by Colombina Dolceria that has the benefit of allowing the consumer to try two different flavors at once (“Meio a Meio” means “Half to Half”). Crislaine Art Studio designed the bright and eye-catching packaging for these sweet and clever treats. 

“Colombina Dolceria is a bakeshop based in Sorocaba-SP/Brasil, and is passionate in the art of making amazing handmade desserts. The new ‘Meio a Meio’ by Colombina Dolceria allows you to combine your favorite flavors, so that you can enjoy them even more this Easter.”

“We needed a package that works for all the eleven flavors of the product, with a low cost of production, amazing presentation and versatility. It was fundamental that the products looked as if they were a complete unit on display.”

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