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This placeholder is removed when the ad slot is configured.

This placeholder is removed when the ad slot is configured.

This placeholder is removed when the ad slot is configured.

This placeholder is removed when the ad slot is configured.

This placeholder is removed when the ad slot is configured.

Læsk Beverages Come With Playful Typography


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Featuring a variety of playful typography for their design, Danish beverage brand Læsk created a way to stand out in the market and differentiate their product offerings.

“Friendship and a culinary curiosity. That was the starting point for Læsk, a Danish soft drink brand based in Copenhagen. With a range of exciting products, including organic kombucha and apple cider vinegar sodas, Læsk has set out to change the soft drink industry for good.”

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This placeholder is removed when the ad slot is configured.

This placeholder is removed when the ad slot is configured.

This placeholder is removed when the ad slot is configured.

This placeholder is removed when the ad slot is configured.

This placeholder is removed when the ad slot is configured.

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