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When Fernson Brewing Co. approached CODO Design, they’d actually already worked through a completely unsuccessful branding process with another firm. They had nothing to show for the money spent—no name, positioning, branding, or package design. But in preparing for opening their brewery, Derek Fernholz and Blake Thompson wanted to transform their business plan into something tangible.

“We helped Derek and Blake develop a name. This was tricky: The name needed broad appeal to meet wide distribution goals, all while somehow evoking South Dakota’s elusive outdoor mystique. After churning through dozens of options, we landed on Fernson Brewing Co., a moniker they had previously considered. This portmanteau came from collapsing Derek and Blake’s last names—Fernholz and Thompson. We usually steer clients away from ‘made up’ names but in this case it made sense. We had the opportunity to create a fun story: Who is this Fernson character? An old bard? A wiley, nomadic ne’er-do-well?? An hirsute folk-legend lothario? There were many different directions we could go, but however things were to shake out, Derek and Blake knew that Fernson felt right. Before we had made so much as an initial sketchbook doodle, they were promoting their brewery and beckoning thirsty customers with the #FindFernson hashtag.”

Fernson combines a somewhat classic look of craft beer—bold, solid colors and a sans serif font—with a completely unexpected logo design. It instantly jumps off the shelf to beer drinkers looking for something new to try from a brewery with extensive experience brewing. Fernson also adds in a bit of mystery and fun with the bearded character associated with the brand.

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