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Wendy’s Rolls A Natural 20 With New Burger-Themed Tabletop RPG ‘Feast of Legends’


National fast-food chains have some of the most intense business rivalries around; it’s a never-ending battle of high-caloric dominance and epic sandwich-making brinksmanship.

Wendy’s has long distinguished itself from burger rivals with their never frozen, square beef patties. Their latest promotion finds them launching a paper-and-pencil role-playing game around Wendy’s use of only fresh cow patties, bringing the “fight against frozen beef” to tabletop gamers with “Feast of Legends.”

The game is similarly styled and designed to “Dungeons & Dragons,” with players creating characters with five stats: Arcana, Charm, Grace, Intelligence, and Strength. They must choose to belong to one of 12 Orders, all of which they based on Wendy’s menu items. Also, the game takes place in the realm of Beef’s Keep, because of course it does.

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