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The ABCs of Paper Sustainability


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Ever heard of the FSC? How about the EPN? Or what about Green-e, SmartWay, and the CPSIA? If you know everything there is to know about sustainable printing practices, then maybe these are all familiar words and acronyms. 

But if they’re not, don’t sweat it—all you need is this guide to navigate this Alphabet Soup of important third-party sustainability validators.

You may have seen our other comprehensive guides published in collaboration with Monadnock Paper Mills on paper terms and the dictionary of print-ready design. Well, we’re back at it again, but this time, with Monadnock’s handy Field Guide for Eco-Friendly, Efficient, and Effective Print, created to help designers and brands develop paper products and packaging with the earth in mind. Containing heaps of knowledge compiled over many years, the handbook provides creatives with all the critical information they need to know to make informed, sustainable design choices.

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