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Falling To Pieces Under Lockdown? Heinz Might Have Just The Thing.


For many people around the world, it’s been a few weeks since stay-at-home orders came down. With outdoor and social activities forbidden, some have taken to finishing long, lingering projects around the house, dusting off musical instruments, and finding mental stimulation and distraction with games and puzzles. What if someone is the ambitious type that’s already applied that last coat of paint, mastered “Moby Dick” on the drums, and learned to solve a Rubik’s cube in under 5 seconds? It might be time for a next-level distraction from the folks at Heinz.

Editorial photograph

The ketchup maker’s answer to long days indoors is a staple of clock-munching pastimes, the jigsaw puzzle. The activity has long been a go-to for those confined within four walls and a roof, usually due to weather or a mandatory holiday visit to the homestead. While gradient puzzles are having a moment thanks to the rona’, Heinz’s 570 piece puzzle is a single hue, that of its signature tomato concoction. Unlike puzzles featuring images of kittens and landmarks, there’s no help matching pieces together based on a picture on the box, which is also a perfect Pantone matching red and features the familiar Heinz keystone logo front and center.

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