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Butterfly Cannon use Conscious Design to create new reusable fragrance flacon for Oriflame Cosmetics


Oriflame Cosmetics perfume packaging designed by Butterfly Cannon emphasizes the brand’s timelessness. The sleek design paired with a modern, wooden framed bottle is exciting and wildly unique. Finding a balance between traditional and distinctive design is tricky, but creating the wooden frame was an artful tactic in finding the symmetry.

Editorial photograph

Signature is the latest fragrance by Oriflame Cosmetics. Created by their master perfumer working with his son, this highly personal project used traditional ingredients and extraction techniques with a fresh approach to create a duo of timeless ‘signature’ fragrances for men and women that are all about connecting with those close to you. Oriflame asked us to create a brand around this story that put their values at the heart of the design.

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