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Courtney Wall’s Bauhaus-inspired Packaging for The Play Boxes by Lalo


Courtney Wall’s design for The Play Boxes packaging transforms the educational experience for toddlers into a visually stunning and functional journey. Embracing a minimalist yet playful aesthetic inspired by the Bauhaus design principles, each box within the series of ten is marked by a distinctive shape and color, representing specific age ranges for little ones. The play guides accompanying each box share the same symbols and vibrant colors and feature meticulous details, such as contrasting thread colors in the saddle stitching, adding a thoughtful touch for parents. Lalo’s approach to this design ensures that while the inspiration comes from a child’s viewpoint, the execution considers the preferences and aesthetic sensibilities of the adults in the room.

Editorial photograph

The Play Boxes are an expert-developed learning experience for your little ones ages 0-2 years. Each box cultivates their imagination and independence and your confidence and connection as a parent. Full of research-backed, sustainable toys these boxes are part of a subscription that can be delivered to your doorstep every few months based on your child’s age. They take the guesswork out of parent-led learning. About the design: Each box in the series of ten represents an age range for your little one that is marked by a single, bold shape and color. A play guide within each box sports the same symbol and bright colors to match.

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