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This Quirky Greek Food Company Finally Tells Us Why Six is Afraid of Seven


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As far as stupid Laffy Taffy label jokes go, “why is six afraid of seven” has got to be one of the best. “Because seven ate nine” is just the sort of cleverness that has to earn at least a begrudging smile, and it’s hard to imagine the dad who came up with it didn’t carry that pride with him for the rest of his days.

It’s a joke pretty much everyone with an okay grasp of the English language knows, which is why it’s kind of funny that no food companies I know of had scrambled to brand it—well, before now. Kemosabe Studio gave the eponymous Greco-British DTC company a look as endearing as the joke behind its namesake, with a warm, earthy palette, bright cartoon figures and landscapes, and a bubbly, eccentric logo.

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