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Roxanne Kaiser’s Subversive Y2K-Inspired Gummy Supplements Make Mental Health Maintenance Look Cool


How ’bout that crumbling healthcare infrastructure, huh? The modern age poses a wide range of difficult, expanding trials to maintaining health, including but not limited to overburdened facilities, medical gaslighting, and the extremely lengthy period of time it can take to get a diagnosis for just about anything.

Thanks to all the noise of the modern age, just existing in a body can feel like hell even on a good day, which has led to an explosion of interest in, well, taking it on ourselves, for better or for worse. This has involved a rapid market expansion of natural remedies that can take the edge off, like kava kava, ashwagandha, and magnesium. A very popular, fun form of this kind of supplement has been gummies, and all three of these buzzy herbs pop up in ‘The Ultimatum’ star Roxanne Kaiser’s new line PROXY.

These fruity gummies come in shiny pouches by Fenomenal, whose youthful, attention-grabbing design takes a subversive swing at pharmaceutical branding. The system exclusively features clinical sans serif, the diagonal logo turns the “x” into the plus-sign commonly associated with European drugstores, while the emoticons apply a Y2K-inspired lens to the pain scales on display in doctor’s offices. Both Kaiser and Fenomenal wanted to make mental health maintenance look cool and trendy, and it feels safe to say they succeeded. The 100% compostable pouch is icing on the cake!

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