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This placeholder is removed when the ad slot is configured.

This placeholder is removed when the ad slot is configured.

This placeholder is removed when the ad slot is configured.

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Heinz And KitKat Give A Whole New Meaning To Tomato Girl Summer


TikTok and I are peanut butter and jelly. That might not be the best thing for my screen time metrics, but It’s where I get my entertainment and inspiration. And forget Google and its forced AI results; it’s my search engine of choice. 

Yet, there are inevitable moments of discovery of trends that I don’t understand. The “healthy coke” hack of mixing balsamic vinegar in soda water was up there. Pickles and Dr. Pepper? No thanks.

Now, we’re witnessing the combination of KitKat with Heinz Ketchup. 

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This placeholder is removed when the ad slot is configured.

This placeholder is removed when the ad slot is configured.

This placeholder is removed when the ad slot is configured.

This placeholder is removed when the ad slot is configured.

This placeholder is removed when the ad slot is configured.