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Student Week: Amie George’s Engaging Packaging for Rise Coffee Alternative


Amie George’s packaging design for Rise strikes a harmonious chord between sustainability and a playful spirit. Created by native Ethiopians Ayana and Nebru Ali, the beanless coffee alternative boasts a positive environmental impact. George’s branding strikes a balance, infusing a sense of fun while delivering a powerful message. The illustrations feature Ethiopian animals that add charm and embody the brand’s readiness to challenge the coffee industry’s status quo.

Editorial photograph

Rise is a company founded by native Ethiopians, Ayana and Nebru Ali – they have created a sustainable beanless coffee alternative that doesn’t have a negative environmental impact. The packaging and branding for Rise balances the importance of the product and message with sense of fun, so as not to preach at the audience. The tone of voice is at times playful, at times direct, and the Ethiopian animals in the illustrations are ready to bring the fight to your local coffee shop.

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