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Sephora Clinic Is The Answer To All Your Skin Issues


Yoonji Do designed this clever conceptual skin care line for Sephora which includes an interactive element that helps consumers tackle their skin issues.

“Sephora Clinic is a new skin care line for Sephora. By utilizing digital technologies, customers can manage their skin condition in a smart and easy way, so they can keep their skin fresh. They will have an interactive experience from the Sephora store to their home. Customers will interact with technologies in packaging, retail, app, and smart watch. Sephora Clinic can easily be marketed to a wide range of people but the specific target group is millennials.” 

In front of the POP, you can easily connect your phone with the display’s screen. The whole display is consisted of one screen. Once the screen and your phone is connected, you can take a short survey to find the right products based on your skin concerns. Detailed descriptions about the products will be provided through the application. Based on your skin concerns, the app will suggest you the right products for you. 
NFC film is inserted in each products, so users can easily connect their mobile devices. The film helps to track and analyze your skincare habit, and based on the information, you can get advice for your fresh skin. Also, the film detects temperature, and the app gives you UV index information, so based on the temperature, the app suggests the right products by for users. 
When you’re almost done using one of the products, users get an alert, signaling that your products are low in inventory and the app will ask you to
re-order. The products will then be delivered to your home. Through this quick and easy process, users can save time, and will eventually affect the sales of the manufacturer and retailers. 
The app tracks and analyzes your products: Expiration date, manufactured date, opened date, purchased date, etc. Therefore, users can keep their products in the best condition. Also, it detects temperature. For example, if your bathroom’s temperature is a little high or your products are receiving direct sunlight, an alert will be pop up so you can control and keep your products in the best environments.”

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